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 La Web  Resultados 1 - 100 de aproximadamente 625 de Photos Crater Hyginus. (0,71 segundos) 

The Moon - Lunar Images by Philipp Salzgeber - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The Crater Copernicus. My Lunar Videography Setup ... Hyginus is visible as a fine line running right through the small crater Hyginus in the lower right. ... - 22k - En caché - Páginas similares

Moon Images by Philipp Salzgeber - thumbnails - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Crater Agrippa, Rima Hyginus, The Rima Hyginus is visible as a fine line running right through the small crater Hyginus in the lower right. ... - 22k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de ] Amazing Images Hall of Fame - [ Traduzca esta página ]
All photos on this page have been submitted by Hall of Fame member wes54. You are viewing: ... Photo Name:Rima Hyginus 08/25/05. From: wes54. Date: 09/25/05 ... homepage.php?member_id=00842896&cat=s - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares

A Shadow on the Moon, and Back on the Front Page - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The astronauts were to explore the collapsed lava tubes near Hyginus Rille. ... of the giant crater Copernicus to obtain samples from deep inside the moon. ... apollo13_public_impact_000415.html - 37k - En caché - Páginas similares

LPOD Photo Gallery - Most viewed/Rima Hyginus - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Rima Hyginus. Telescope LXD-75 SC 8" and Toucam Pro II with barlow 2.5X and IR-cut filter. Crater Albategnius.jpg · Kirchhoff-LOIV-074-H1.jpg ... php?album=topn&cat=0&pos=378 - 31k - En caché - Páginas similares

LPOD - Lunar Photo of the Day - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Lunar Photo of the Day. Daily Images of Earth's Moon ... graben near Hyginus W. There is a hint of a large buried/ghost crater between the mountain Manilius ... - 9k - En caché - Páginas similares
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Universe Today Forums -> Crackpot corner! Logo NEWS ARCHIVE TOPICS ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
6 : The precise layout of rocks around a certain crater on Mercury spell ' Killroy ... I ' m getting dizzy . I need a plasma physician , Yr obt srvt Hyginus ... php?act=ST&f=16&t=6828&hl=& - 102k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

MOON SLIDES - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The Hyginus Ravine. Rays around Copernicus. ... Lunar Orbiter II photo - Crater area lies south of the Adriadaeus R. Lunar Orbiter II photo - South of ... - 14k - En caché - Páginas similares

Dick Lockes NexImage and DSLR Moon Pictures - [ Traduzca esta página ]
If you look at Figure 2.8 (on page 39) you will see a photo of the same region ... crater itself is named Hyginus. Visual index of my moon photos here. ... - 13k - En caché - Páginas similares

East Valley Astronomy Club - EVAC Lunar Observing Program - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Rima Hyginus, Rille intersecting the crater Hyginus. Vallis Schroteri, Most easily observed sinuous rille, in photo at top of this page ... - 31k - En caché - Páginas similares

JSC Digital Image Collection - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Photo ID:. AS10-31-4650, Program:. Apollo, Mission:. Apollo X ... Title: Apollo 10 photograph of lunar nearside with crater Hyginus near Central Bay ... caption_direct.jsp?photoId=AS10-31-4650 - 8k - En caché - Páginas similares

Photo Page/1 Picture - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Moon Mosaic from 02/15/2006 A total of 36 seperate photos ... Rima Hyginus region. rima-hyginus.jpg. Purbach crater. purbach.jpg. Ptolemaeus crater. ... - 19k - En caché - Páginas similares

Peter Lloyd's Lunar Pictures (NE) - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Near its centre is a small crater, Hyginus, which has been reported as showing transient lunar phenomena, vapours being emitted from below the surface. ... - 14k - En caché - Páginas similares

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junction toward the crater Hyginus A. This rille is fairly straight except for a kink about halfway ... Medium employed (for photos and electronic images) ... - Páginas similares

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Medium employed (for photos and electronic images. NOTE:. I apologize to Robert H. Hays, ... HYGINUS RILLE. William Elsbury – Mason City, Iowa, USA ... - Páginas similares
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Apollo 10 photograph of lunar nearside with crater Hyginus near ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
This Apollo 10 oblique telephoto view of the lunar nearside is centered on the crater Hyginus located at 6.3 degrees east longitude and 7.8 degrees north ... - 3k - En caché - Páginas similares

Apollo 10 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Apollo 10 southwest view of Censorinus crater · Apollo 10 photograph of lunar nearside with crater Hyginus near Central Bay ... - 27k - En caché - Páginas similares

Moon - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Part of Rima with Crater Hyginus (Mare Vaporum to Tranquillitatis) ... QuickCam attached to a Lomo Astele 133.5 telescope in prime focus - some photo finishing. - 14k - En caché - Páginas similares

Moon Society: Lunar Study and Observing Certificate - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Rima Hyginus: A long rille which 'bends' at Crater Hyginus. ... On excellent nights, secondaries can be seen in the surrounding region (see Photo Gallery) ... - 46k - En caché - Páginas similares

[PDF] Lunar Study and Observing Certificate Program
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Rima Hyginus: A long rille which 'bends' at Crater Hyginus. ... Note that part of the ejecta can still be seen (see Photo Gallery). 86. Crater Moretus: ... - Páginas similares
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analog - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Although it is on the border, if not well beyond the proposed landing belt, the Hyginus cleft system, which passes through the crater of Hyginus, ... - 33k - En caché - Páginas similares

Section 33 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
There is a complex system of clefts in the vicinity of the crater Triesnecker. ... EARTH-BASED TELESCOPIC IMAGES: Image - Hyginus (Poyet) ... - 5k - En caché - Páginas similares
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Pyramid at Triesnecker - [ Traduzca esta página ]
It revealed diverse and stunning redundant lunar geometry of intelligent design in the area of Sinus Medii, Hyginus Rille, and -- of Triesnecker crater. ... - 37k - En caché - Páginas similares

Hitchhiker's Guide to Rukl Chart 34 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
From the crater the prominent Hyginus Rille extends east-southeast toward the camera and northwest ... (NASA Photo ID: AS10-31-4650, File Name: 10075150.jpg ... - 9k - En caché - Páginas similares

Hitchhiker's Guide to Rukl Chart 54 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
But it isn'ta named crater, and when the sun angle gets higher it doesn't look ... The photo does not show a sunset ray. Of course, this is not conclusive; ... - 13k - En caché - Páginas similares
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astro - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Kies is the flooded crater near center with the small dome to the south. ... The dark hilly region north of Hyginus is an interesting contrast to the bright ... - 43k - En caché - Páginas similares

astro Blogger Get your own blog Next blog BlogThis ! astro ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Straight Wall ( Rupes Recta ) and the crater Birt . Taken June 29 , 2005 while doing focus ... Triesnecker Rilles and Rima Hyginus just at the top . Ahh ! ... - 27k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares
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Charles Schwartz Ltd. | Featured Photographs - [ Traduzca esta página ]
(406 x 343 mm). Photo Country:. Photographer Country: United States (USA) ... The crater Hyginus at the bend in the rille is 6 miles in diameter. ... - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares

Charles Schwartz Ltd. | Photographs - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Description: Captioned verso This view shows the region from the Hyginus Rille to the Crater Manilius, 23 miles in diameter,. ... 256/NASA+-+Lunar+Orbiter+III - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares

K3's Astronomy - Moon - [ Traduzca esta página ]
All the following photos were taken by Philips Vesta Pro webcam at prime focus of 8" Orion Optics ... It is 220km long and is divided by crater Hyginus. ... - 42k - En caché - Páginas similares

Jerry and Kathy Oltion's Astronomy Page - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Here are some photos we've taken over the last couple of years. ... This is Hyginus Crater and the Hyginus Rille. The crater is one of the few non-impact ... - 8k - En caché - Páginas similares

Jerry and Kathy Oltion's Astronomy Page - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Here are some photos we've taken over the last couple of years. ... This is Hyginus Crater and the Hygenus Rille. The crater is one of the few non-impact ... - 8k - En caché - Páginas similares

STD Real-Time Image Gallery - [ Traduzca esta página ]
In the center of the photo is Crater Triesnecker with its network of thin rilles to the right of the crater; above it is V-shaped Hyginus rille; ... - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares

The Moon and Its Rilles - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The pictures show innumerable small crater concentrations, crater chains, and gashes, ... For a good example, consider the picture of Rima Hyginus here. ... - 15k - En caché - Páginas similares

The Scars of Planetary Violence - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Often a rille begins or ends on a crater or has a crater straddling the rille at the place where the rille changes direction. Hyginus rille on the Moon is a ... 2004/arch/041230predictions-scarring.htm - 19k - En caché - Páginas similares

Moon - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Triesnecker and Hyginus Rille formations. Image taken the 2002-08-29. MK67DL + Barlow 2x. Crater Tycho. RGB image taken the 2002-09-28. MK67DL + Barlow 2x ... - 13k - En caché - Páginas similares

RASC Thunder Bay Centre RASC Observation Reports Page - [ Traduzca esta página ]
This is the crater Hesiodus A. It is a small crater with an odd double concentric ring ... and Hyginus rilles and the Alpine Valley and various craters. ... - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares

MoonView software for viewing/registering lunar images - [ Traduzca esta página ]
c to toggle crater outlines g to find a crater by name q to assume a Lunar ... Right-click on the center of the first crater, and MoonView will ask you to ... - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares

The Moon And Its Rilles - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The pictures show innumerable small crater concentrations, crater chains, and gashes, ... For a good example, consider the picture of Rima Hyginus here, ... - 29k - En caché - Páginas similares

[PDF] 43 Name ___________________________ Section_____________ Partner(s ...
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Crater Hyginus or Rima Hyginus (rille or collapsed lava tube) ... Photo Gallery. This Web page is an attempt to bring as many of NASA's still images as ... - Páginas similares

Shoestring Astronomy - Lunar 100 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
24, Hyginus Rille, Rille containing rimless collapse pits, RIMA HYGINUS ... 61, Mösting A, Simple crater close to center of lunar near side, MOSTING ... - 30k - En caché - Páginas similares

Lake County Astronomical Society NightTimes - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Could this be a crater chain resulting when the incoming space debris tore apart prior to impact? The following image shows Rima Hyginus pretty much as it ... - 9k - En caché - Páginas similares

Mailing List Archives - Sean Wenzel Sean Wenzel Home Contact Info ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
In reply to : KATRENIAK Peter : " [ QCUIAG ] Ptolemaeus & Rima Hyginus through ... You need a valid YahooID to access list archives , files , photos and ... - 10k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

Lunar observing, 6/2 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Moving NE, I 'discovered' Rima Hyginus (Rukl 34) by accident. Rukl also has a great photo-drawing of this area on photo #23/24 on page 200. ... - 9k - En caché - Páginas similares

TAC: Lunar observing, 6/2 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Moving NE, I 'discovered' Rima Hyginus (Rukl 34) by accident. Rukl also has a great photo-drawing of this area on photo #23/24 on page ... - 10k - En caché - Páginas similares

Len Marek's Astronomical Web Page - Astrophotos - [ Traduzca esta página ]
February 28, 2004 - This photo shows the region of crater Archimedes, Autolycus, ... February 28, 2004 - This picture shows the Hyginus Cleft in the center. ... - 14k - En caché - Páginas similares

Solar System - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Total Eclipse of the Moon (May 15, 2003) A photo taken during totality with a ... Moon This is an image of Rima Hyginus taken with a ToUcam web cam from my ... - 13k - En caché - Páginas similares
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Astronomy 101/102: Telescope Lab: Moon 2 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Long, narrow rille (``canyon'') with a bend and a superimposed crater (Hyginus). Terrain to the North has many smaller grooves. ... astrocourses/AST101/labs/tl_moon2.html - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares - Classic Old Time Movie, Old Time Radio, Old ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Over 1400 Photos on 1 CD - Just $9.99 with FREE Shipping to ANYWHERE in the ... Of Censorinus Crater, AS-10 Lunar View Of Hyginus Crater Near Central Bay, ... Store_Code=E&Product_Code=SPTRFTM&Cate... - 82k - En caché - Páginas similares

Life on the Moon - Above Top Secret Conspiracy Community - [ Traduzca esta página ]
There is a rill in that area, usually called the Hyginus rill because it runs through the crater Hyginus in the southern portion of the Mare vaporum. ... - 95k - En caché - Páginas similares

PAA April 2003 Newsletter - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The first feature was Rima Hyginus. This is a 220 km shallow valley (look like ... I have included a photo of the crater Copernicus on the last page of this ... - 141k - En caché - Páginas similares

[DOC] The Yadkin Valley Astronomy Club
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Hyginus Rille is interesting because the rille forms a dogleg pattern and the crater Hyginus is located in the bend of the dogleg. ... - Páginas similares

Triesnecker (crater) - Factbites Factbites Where results make ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
To the right of Rima Hyginus is Triesnecker crater , which has an extensive system ... to Cydonia on Mars , is seen obliquely on many photos in the series . ... - 43k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

Crater Eratosthenes - Factbites Factbites Where results make sense ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
East of the crater Copernicus towards the center of the moon is Rille Hyginus (Hyginus Cleft ), shown ... The crater is more sharp than in above photo . ... - 61k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares
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Chronology - 1969 - Quarter 3 Encyclopedia Astronautica ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Apollo 19, July 1972, Hyginus Rille region-Linear Rille, crater area ... Earth photos were obtained on August 9, 1969. On August 11, 1969, the spacecraft ... - 178k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

Surveyor - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Mass: 279 kg. Soft lunar landing; returned 19000 photos, soil data. ... Apollo 19, July 1972, Hyginus Rille region-Linear Rille, crater area ... partners/mwade/craft/surveyor.htm - 22k - En caché - Páginas similares
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Apollo 19 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Apollo 19, July 1972, Hyginus Rille region-Linear Rille, crater area. Apollo 20, December 1972, Crater Copernicus, large crater impact area ... - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares

Greek Mythology: PHOLUS PHOLOS Centaur Constellation Centaurus w ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... and his drinking cup as the nearby star group Crater. ... Hyginus, Astronomica 2.38. "Great-hearted Pholus lifted the empty mixing-bowl against his ... - 20k - En caché - Páginas similares

Greek Mythology: GANYMEDE GANYMEDES Cup-Bearer of the Gods, Zodiac ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Hyginus, Astronomica 2.29. "The mixing-bowl from the sky [the constellation Crater], from which Ganymedes mixes the liquor and ladles out a cup for Zeus and ... - 48k - En caché - Páginas similares

December 2001 AstroNotes - [ Traduzca esta página ]
For example, the Hyginus and Ariadaeus Rilles are made up of bent or offset segments ... like the example in the Alps on the north side of the crater Plato. ... - 37k - En caché - Páginas similares

Ottawa Centre - RASC : Planetary Geology - [ Traduzca esta página ]
For example, the Hyginus and Ariadaeus Rills are made up of bent or off-set segments ... like the example in the Alps on the north side of the crater Plato. ... hanmer_simon/geology/moon2/index.html - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares

Effects of impacts and volcanism (from Moon) -- Encyclopædia ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Sinuous rilles near the ancient, mostly buried crater Prinz on the Moon, ... as Rima Hyginus and the rilles around the floor of the large old crater ... - 69k - En caché - Páginas similares

albireo2006's Photos
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... crater clavius ... Central area including Sinus Medii Triesnecker and the Rima Hyginus</p> Sat, ... public.gne?id=53789403@N00&format=rss_200 - Páginas similares

Clear Skies On Demand - an astronomy blog - [ Traduzca esta página ]
With the bino-viewer, Rima Hyginus with the crater in the middle, was again a wonderful sight. To the west of Hyginus, part of the Rimae Triesnecker complex ... - 80k - En caché - Páginas similares

Browse Search: Visual Search | Keyword Search Please make a ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Title: 1188, Apollo 10 photograph of lunar nearside with crater Hyginus near Central Bay ... Title: 1232, Photo micrograph of lunar sample 10022 ... php?return=%3Cbr&content=moon+lunar+eclipses - 72k - En caché - Páginas similares

Welcome to the home of the ALPO E Journal - [ Traduzca esta página ]
An amazing cover photo of Mercury as it transits the Sun. Also . ... A report on a lunar dome near crater Hyginus . . . plus reports about your ALPO section ... - 47k - En caché - Páginas similares

I Photo Central | Search Images | NASA - Lunar Orbiter V - [ Traduzca esta página ]
NASA - Lunar Orbiter V - The Moon, Tycho Crater, Ref #: 5546Price: $400Medium: printed later ... NASA - Lunar Orbiter V - The Moon- Hyginus Rille (Site V-23 ... result_list.php/256/NASA+-+Lunar+Orbiter+V - 21k - En caché - Páginas similares

I Photo Central | Special Exhibit | NASA Photography of the moon - [ Traduzca esta página ]
NASA - Lunar Orbiter II - The Moon- region of the crater of Copernicus ( ... NASA - Lunar Orbiter III - The Moon- Hyginus Rille (Site S-6 ... - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares

Need info on lunar feature home ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Just to the north of Rima Hyginus in Mare Vaporum is a curious ( mountain ? ... The search continues . . . skyandtelescope_hyginus . jpg - Photo downloaded ... php?p=15968&sid=39200c6e25f183ce56e5f19a8151b269 - 44k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

Contact Light - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Land near the Hyginus Rill, a long, major canyon, for stay of about 70 hours. ... Apollo 16 astronaut Charles M. Duke at Plum Crater Apollo 16 continued the ... - 48k - En caché - Páginas similares

[PDF] FROM THE PREZ’S DESK Investigation of Planetary Nebulae
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with color photos. It’s is cheaper for the club to have the Focal Point on-line ... -the one which runs. through the small. crater, Hyginus. This crater has ... php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=25 - Páginas similares

Under the Desert Stars Under the Desert Stars Tuesday Moon Thomas ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Herschel appears to be a deeper, younger looking crater with a tall, ... It was the classic smoke ring depicted in so many photos, although my view was not ... member/desertstars/?xjMsgID=10188 - 45k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

CloudyNight's forums: Sketching: Tools and Techniques Return to ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
It just takes clear skies and practice , but when the skies aren ' t clear , you can always practice using online photos . ... lunar/Number/137812/page/0/view/collapsed/sb/5/o/o/fpart/all - 513k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

desertstars (Postmaster) 06/30/04 03:15 PM Sketching: Tools and ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Good idea to practice with photos so that by the time you get out there and start ... He also says that there is a small (1.8mi/3km) crater on the NE rim of ... php?Cat=0&Board=lunar&main=137812&type=thread - 291k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares
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Ganymede Artistopia Music - The Ultimate Resource for Artists ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Attic red - figure crater , 500 - 490 BCE ; Painter of Berlin ; Louvre , Paris ) In ... 3 ; * Hyginus * * Fabulae 89 ; 224 ; 271 ; * * Astronomica 2.16 ... - 45k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

section2b - [ Traduzca esta página ]
"This magnificent northerly oblique photo from Lunar Orbiter 11 brings to view ... The largest vent, the crater Hyginus, located at the bend in the valley, ... - 101k - En caché - Páginas similares

Links to Anomaly Images - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Venera 9 & 10 anomalies, V. MARS. Anomalies surrounding "Smiley" crater, MR, MSSSMOC2-89 ... Glass pyramids? MN,7/29, x. "Nazcalike" Hyginus, MN,7/31, x ... vonnegut/432/anomaly_links.html - 96k - En caché - Páginas similares

Mark's Astrophotography - the Moon Mark's Astrophotography - the ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
This crater has a fractured floor. This structure is not clearly visible in this photo with this sun angle but some lighter "lines", sunlight reflected off ... - 15k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

Lunar Atlas Image Gallery - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The Lunar Atlas Image Gallery contains photos of the Moon, ... Image of the crater Clavius obtained using a 150 mm refractor on March 13, 2003. ... - 51k - En caché - Páginas similares

Lunar 100 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
24, Hyginus Rille, Rille containing rimless collapse pits, 7.4N, 7.8E, 220, 34 ... 61, Mösting A, Simple crater close to center of lunar near side, 3.2S ... - 148k - En caché - Páginas similares

Astro Images - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Mares Frigoris and Imbrium, Sinus Irirum, and crater Hershel on 5/14/00 ... Manilius with many other degraded and smaller ones, and Rima Hyginus on 8/21/00 ... - 48k - En caché - Páginas similares

Lunar Exploration Series Apollo Expeditions to the Moon: The Great ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The entire text and additional photos can be found at ... the creation of regional fault systems like the Hyginus Rille, and the appearance of mysterious ... - 38k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

June 2000 SJAA Ephemeris - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The crater Linne itself (not the halo) is sometimes seen as a hard shot. Several other rilles also qualify, and perhaps the catena in Rimae Hyginus ... - 6k - En caché - Páginas similares

Facts and Figures: Astronomy - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Hyginus gave as many as eight representations of the Kneeler. ... Apollo placed the crow and the bowl (as Crater) into the sky as constellations. ... - 83k - En caché - Páginas similares

Geometry.Net - Scientists: Albategnius Online Store ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Measuring Size A . albategnius , the large crater in the center of the image . ... LPOD - 2005 - 04 - 08 - Lunar Photo Of The Day and saucers occur on the ... scientists/albategnius_page_no_4.html - 53k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

Glossaire multilingue des formations lunaires (anglais, français ...
Pour visualiser un agrandissement de l'une ou l'autre photo , il suffit de cliquer ... Cratère à fond plat , Crater plain . Les cratères à fond plat sont de ... - 155k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

[PDF] Starlight Theatre - Astronomy Slide Set - Descriptive Booklet ...
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Second, the amount of "photo-chemical" that detects the light in ... The area near the crater Hyginus has a linear depression. called a "Rill". ... - Páginas similares

SingaporeMoms - Parenting Encyclopedia - List of features on the ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Ask our Moms, Share my experience, Share my photos. Pregnancy Calendar, Week 1 ... Rima Hyginus, 7.4° N, 7.8° E, 219 km, Named from nearby Hyginus crater ... List_of_features_on_the_Moon - 57k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

Report on the Total Solar Eclipse of 2001 June 21 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... region than in Aruba though my photos there suffered from haze-induced stray ... in Alphonsus crater or perhaps the brillant floor of the Hyginus rill, ... - 9k - En caché - Páginas similares

richard hoagland lunar freakout over incomplete and poorly ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Triesnecker crater was almost a match but way off center. Other landmarks one would expect to ... that app172 is not a photo of Sinus medii/Hyginus Rille, ... richard-hoagland-tem-lunar-mistake.html - 38k - En caché - Páginas similares

1960-1969 | Romance to Reality - moon & Mars plans | David SF ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
On LLM-10, the LPM would land at Hyginus Rille or Davy crater chain. ... lunar orbit would "photo locate" the landed LPM and release a science subsatellite. ... rd/faculty/dportree/rtr/6801-01.html - 16k - En caché - Páginas similares

Ian Ridpath’s Star Tales - [ Traduzca esta página ]
We do not know who Hyginus was, not even his full name – he was evidently not C. ... Crater. Cygnus. Delphinus. Draco. Equuleus. Eridanus. Gemini. Hercules ... - 54k - En caché - Páginas similares

Observing log for BAA/ALPO members for April 2003 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
"Shadow from apparent cp (Orbiter photos don't show it but Apollo 16 oblique shows a ... Was unable to see the small companion crater to Hyginus N at all ... - 346k - En caché - Páginas similares

Astronomical League - Lunar Club Project - [ Traduzca esta página ]
One of the finest places to observe Lunar Rays extends from Crater Tycho ... Caught in Mare Vaporum, both the Ariadaeus Rille and Hyginus Rille show very ... - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares

Paul's Astropage - Eng Webcam - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The crater has nice terrace shaped walls. Its central mountains are 1200 meters ... This canyon, Rima Hyginus, is the best of its kind for amateurs and even ... - 110k - En caché - Páginas similares

Lunar Pictures - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Moon - Hyginus and rilles - 10" Meade LX200 SCT f10, Philips TouCam Pro Webcam. ... copernicus.gif (68436 bytes), Crater Copernicus. ... - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares

[PDF] Journal of the Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers
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libraries and the professional astronomical community to photo- ... near crater Hyginus at Xi +0.162, Eta +0.143 (longitude. 9.44° E, latitude 8. 22° N). ... - Páginas similares

AS10 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
NASA Photo ID: Title:. AS10-27-3873 image text Apollo 10 Command/Service Modules ... 10 photograph of lunar nearside with crater Hyginus near Central Bay ... - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares

[PDF] Feb 2000
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be 6 days old so after the meeting we will have a chance to do some crater learning on the hill after the meeting. See. if you can add the Hyginus and ... - Páginas similares

startales1b - [ Traduzca esta página ]
We do not know who Hyginus was, not even his full name – he was evidently not C. Julius Hyginus, ... Corvus, Crater, Cygnus. Delphinus, Draco, Equuleus ... - 12k - En caché - Páginas similares

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